Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program (Title V, Part A) Description
The Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program provides grants to assist HSIs to expand educational opportunities for, and improve the attainment of, Hispanic students. These grants also enable HSIs to expand and enhance their academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability.
Program Approved
Title V is a five-year program beginning in October 2020 to September 2025. Within this time-frame, projected plans will be deployed in an agile and gradual manner.
The University of Puerto Rico at Cayey, Title V proposes to:
- Identify at risk students early and conduct on-going analysis of the impact of support elements and needs.
- Target the high-risk population, especially in the freshman through the sophomore year, with a multi-faceted support program. This would include an introduction to college with a component on financial literacy and other life skills.
- Create a more innovation-aligned faculty and students’ body.
- Restructure the library for more adequate spaces for research-based learning, collaborative learning, and other activities associated with the innovation emphasis.
- Improve internal and external communication for common needs and successful models.
Developmental Activities
Activity 1- Strengthening Student Academic Performance
To promote student engagement and enhance the persistence and retention of students at UPR Cayey we propose an Academic Skills Development Center that will include a more robust support structure and align strategic institutional and from four different components: 1) ACT Academic Tracking System for student at risk, 2) DO! College, 3) On TRACK! Faculty mentors, and a 4) Online First year Seminar.
Activity 2- Promoting Innovation for a Student Success Innovation Center
The Student Success Innovation Center is designed to increase the innovation knowledge of our students and improve their academic and innovation performance through three integrated initiatives: 1) Student Faculty Innovation Program, 2) Expand Library facilities to develop a Student Innovation Center (SIC), and 3) Develop a Student-Centered Innovation and Financial Literacy Support Services Component.
Activity 3- Management
The management activity is designed to carefully monitor programmatic and financial activities, and assure the accomplishment of the goals and objectives outlined in the timetables for each project activity. Record management, documentation, monitoring of purchases, budgeting, and reporting of achievements are also coordinated by Activity 3.
Information resources for Mentors, Faculty and Students
Recommended Websites
Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program – Title V
Grant Award P031S200248